Quatraine III

Plantation Florida

Homeowners Newsletter

By the People, For the People

Frequently Asked Questions

1.  What does the Association do for me as a homeowner?    Quatraine III has a board of directors who live in the community who are elected.  Their job is to work with a property management company to make sure things are taken care of, such as, lawn maintenance, pool cleaning, and general repairs.  The property management company hires others to do the maintenance jobs required to keep the community looking good.  Homeowners are required to pay a monthly maintenance fee to cover the cost of these services.  The board of directors (homeowners), stays in contact with the property management company to discuss issues, and there is a meeting usually held on the 4th Wednesday of every other month.   Look for signs at the front of the community which have the meeting date, time, and location.      When problems happen, homeowners are supposed to contact the property management company for resolution.             

2.  Can the board recommend good contractors to fix my house?    No.    There is a liability issue.   If the board recommends a contractor, and they do a bad job, then the homeowner would sue the association for damages.   People can recommend good contractors in private conversations, but sorry, they can't be published here.

3.  How do I report a problem?     Call Fyve Property Management at 954-741-8811.   The address of Fyve is

75100 W Copans Rd Suite 100
Margate, FL 33063

4.  I have an idea for the community, who do I tell?     You can come to the board meeting and you will have 3 minutes to speak at the end of the meeting.   Notice of the board meetings is posted at the entrances of the community in advance.    The date, time, and location is on those signs.   

5.  Why do I have to wait until the end of the meeting to speak?    Because your question or issue may be answered during the meeting.   This is why open forum happens at the end of the meetings.

6.  I want my idea to be on the agenda, how do I do this?   The agenda is for each meeting.   You may speak for 3 minutes and recommend an idea for the next meeting.  Or you may read Florida Statutes section 720 where it talks about 20% of people needed to put an idea on the agenda.   

7.  How do I know where our money is being spent?    Come to the meetings and financial information may be talked about.    You can also ask questions during your 3 minutes at the end of the meeting.     By law, homeowners have the right to visit the property manager and inspect the financial documents, read Florida Statutes section 720.     To do this, you must contact the property manager, set up an appointment, and you will have 8 hours to inspect the documents at the office.   You will hear the term, "reasonable" in terms of what you may ask for.   For example, if you want photo copies, there is a limit of 25 pages, and after that, there are "reasonable" fees charged for more copies.       Florida Statutes 720

8.  I want to be on the board of directors, how can I?   Come to a few monthly meetings so you can learn how they work.    Read your by-laws and Florida Statutes section 720.     The annual election of Quatraine III happens from January 15th thru February 28th, and homeowners must be given 14 days notice of the election.    You will receive an election packet in the mail.  Look in the Elections section of this web site for more info.

9.  I want to make changes to my home, what is this AMF form I hear about?     Before any changes to your home are made, you must fill out an Architectural Modification Form (AMF) and submit it to the board for review.   Click on this link for a word document that should display on your screen.  Right click the link and then Save As to your hard drive.


10.  There's a dead animal in my cul-de-sac, who do I call?    You call Broward County at 954-359-1313 or the City of Plantation at 954-797-2200.

11.  How much to board members get paid?    Zero.   It's all voluntary and the reason why most people quit doing it after 3 years.   A HOA is a business and a government at the same time.  Board members are not paid, but the property manager is.    Therefore, if you want to make money doing this stuff, you need to become a property management company and get a CAM license.    Personally, I feel that board members should be paid, because running a board is a full time job. 

12.  Important city numbers are as follows.   City Hall or Information 954-797-2000, Code Enforcement 954-797-2646, Electronics Disposal 954-577-4160, Fire (non emergency) 954-797-2150, Permits and Building 954-797-2250, Police (non emergency) 954-797-2100 Utilities 954-797-2285, Waste Management 954-974-7500.

13.  Where do I get rid of Hazardous Waste?    Wheelabrator, 4400 S. State Rd 7, Davie FL 33314-2110 (954) 581-6705.
Hours of operation are Saturdays 08:00am - 04:00pm.    Closed Holidays.   They accept Yard Waste, Furniture, White Goods, Household Hazardous Waste, and Electronics.

14.  What is this master association I hear about?   The master is 5 communities (The Colonnades, Parc Court, Jacaranda Point, Quatraine IV, and Quatraine III) under one association.    Common areas are taken care of by the master, such as grass along the sidewalks, pressure cleaning the sidewalks, lake treatments, and landscaping.   One board member from each community appears at a board meeting that happen every 3 months or when needed.    These meetings are very similar to out board meeting, just that 5 properties are represented by a board member from each.    How does the master get paid?   A monthly check is written from each community based on how many homes they have.   The number of votes from each community is also based on the number of homes.
Parc Court = 200 units
Quatraine III = 170 units
Quatraine IV = 82 units
Jacaranda Pointe = 136 units
The Colonnades = 230 units

To send an e-mail, click here robvia777@comcast.net
