Quatraine III

Plantation Florida

Homeowners Newsletter

By the People, For the People

Pictures 03/03/2007

Robert took pictures of the community after Asplundi trimmed the trees out front.  Click each picture to make it big, then back to return here.

The front entrance of the community and where we are located.   

The trees along the sidewalk out front after Asplundi trimmed them. 

The pool area and the play ground next to it.

The back walk way path on the north side of the property which connects Quatraine3 to Quatraine4.   There is a small playground.   A view of the lake including the fountain.

The entrance at 99th ave and a few pictures of the center islands.

A picture of a few homes showing the landscaping.

In 2006, Quatraine3 special assessed the homeowners $600 each ($100 a month) to repair the damage from hurricane Wilma.   The money was used to completely re-landscape the community. 

To send an e-mail, click here quatraine3@bellsouth.net
