Quatraine III

Plantation Florida

Homeowners Newsletter

By the People, For the People


Quatraine3 has by-laws, and in them are restrictions, which are rules homeowners must follow.     The restrictions have been typed here for those who have lost their copy or never got it.   Every homeowner is supposed to have a set of the by-laws.   The previous owner is supposed to pass their copy to the new owner, along with the pool and mail box keys.   A copy of the by-laws and articles is here in PDF format.   Right click and "Save As" to your computer. 

Revitalization Quatraine3 Declaration

Original Bylaws

Besides the by-laws, there is the Florida Statutes section 720 which covers homeowner associations.   This section provides information about how a homeowners association is run.   If you read the restrictions section below, and the Florida Statutes section 720, you'll be up to speed on the laws that govern our community.      A link is provided here. 
Florida Statutes 720

Located on page 5, of Volume II of the Quatraine at Jacaranda Three - Phase 1 By-Laws, reads the following.



        1.        Review by Committee.  No building, fence, wall or other structure shall be commenced, erected or maintained upon the PROPERTY nor any part of it, nor shall any exterior addition to or change or alteration therein be made, nor shall any trees, shrubs, landscaping feature, whether or not technically considered a structure, be commenced, erected, maintained or changed upon the PROPERTY until complete plans and specifications showing the nature, kind, shape, height, materials and location and, in the case of landscape, the nature and type of the shrubs or trees involved, shall have been submitted to and approved in writing as to harmony of external design and location in relation to surrounding structures and topography by the Board of Directors and the HA, or by an Architectural Committee composed of three or more representatives appointed by the Board of Directors.  In the event said Board or its said designated Committee fails to approve or disapprove said design and location within thirty-five (35) days after complete plans and specifications have been submitted to it, approval will not be required and this Article shall be deemed to have been fully complied with.  The Architectural Control Committee shall also have the rights herein contained in respect of additions to or modifications of external lighting and lighting systems in QUATRAINE AT JACARANDA THREE - PHASE 1, whether or not such lighting be within Common Areas, easement ways owned or maintained by the HA, or on the exterior of buildings.  Lighting which is merely visible through open windows or glass doors shall not be deemed "exterior lighting" and for the purposes of this Paragraph shall not be subject to control of the Architectural Control Committee, except that nothing herein shall be deemed to permit any lighting to be utilized within QUATRAINE AT JACARANDA THREE - PHASE 1 which constitutes a nuisance.  The exterior finish of all improvements, including the exterior of improvements on all Homesite Parcels, within the PROPERTY shall not be changed as to materials or color without approval of the Architectural Control Committee.

Located on page 14, of Volume II of the Quatraine at Jacaranda Three - Phase 1 By-Laws, reads the following.



        1.        Use and Occupancy of Homesite Parcels.  The Homesite Parcel may be used and occupied by the respective Owner thereof as a private single-family dwelling unit for themselves, their families and social guests and for no other purposes except where specific exemptions are made in this Declaration.  The number of persons permanently residing in a Homesite Parcel shall be limited to two (2) persons per bedroom (as "bedrooms" are displayed in accordance with Developer's original plans).

       2.         Use of Common Areas.  The Common Areas shall be used in the manner for which they are reasonably intended for the enjoyment of the Homesite Parcel Owners, their families and social guests and shall be subject to such reasonable regulation by rules and by-laws as may, in the opinion of the HA, achieve the maximum beneficial use thereof, which rules and by-laws may be promulgated by the HA from time to time.

        3.        Prohibition on Nuisances.  No nuisance shall be allowed upon the PROPERTY, nor shall any practice be allowed which is an unreasonable source of annoyance to Owners and occupants of the Homesite Parcels or which will interfere with the peaceful possession and proper use of the PROPERTY by residents.  Furthermore, no immoral, grossly improper, offensive or unlawful use shall be made of the PROPERTY nor of any of the improvements thereon.

        4.        No Signs.  No "For Sale", "For Rent" or other sign shall be displayed by any Homesite Parcel Owner upon the Homesite Parcel or upon any of the PROPERTY, except in accordance with such rules and regulations permitting the same as may be promulgated from time to time by the HA.

        5.        No Commercial Vehicles, Trailers, Campers and Boats.  The HA may restrict parking within the HA Property (QUATRAINE AT JACARANDA THREE - PHASE 1) to prohibit in whole or in part the parking of trailers, including boat trailers, recreation vehicles of any nature, campers, boats, and commercial vehicles, except that commercial vehicles shall be allowed upon the HA Property on a temporary basis incidental to the maintenance, repair, construction or improvement of any portion of QUATRAINE AT JACARANDA THREE - PHASE 1, and for the delivery of goods and services to the Owners and occupants of the HA Property, and except that panel and pickup trucks not exceeding 3/4 ton, vans and open passenger vehicles such as jeeps, which are primary transportation for the lawful occupant of a dwelling unit and not otherwise used for commercial purposes, shall not be prohibited.

        6.        No Restriction Re Occupancy By Children.  There shall be no prohibition, by rule, regulation or otherwise, against the permanent occupancy by children of any age in Homesite Parcels in this Village; however, the appropriate authorities, including the Developer and the HA, will have rule making powers over the use of the Common Areas.  The Developer has reserved to itself and to the HA the authority to make such rules, regulations and restrictions as it deems necessary with regard to the use of the recreation facilities, including the right to make special rules regarding the use of the recreation facilities by persons under sixteen (16) years of age.

        7.        Pets.  The Homesite Association, by its rules and regulations, may impose prohibitions on the keeping of pets in the Homesite Parcels.  Such restrictions shall not, however, prohibit original owners of Homesite Parcels from bringing and keeping no more than two pets (cats or dogs) whose combined weight does not exceed seventy (70) pounds, or only one (1) pet in the event its weight exceeds seventy (70) pounds, upon the QUATRAINE AT JACARANDA THREE - PHASE 1 Property and within the owner's Homesite Parcel.  Such pets shall nevertheless be subject to the reasonable rules and regulations promulgated by the HA applicable thereto.  The HA shall have senior authority to control the keeping of pets within not only the Homesite Property, but elsewhere in QUATRAINE AT JACARANDA THREE - PHASE 1, except that the rules and regulations promulgated by the HA shall not prohibit original owners from bringing pets conforming to the requirements set forth above upon the Homesite Property and within the owner's Homesite Parcel.  This Paragraph shall not be amended without the written consent of the Developer so long as the Developer owns any unit in QUATRAINE AT JACARANDA THREE - PHASE 1 nor thereafter in any way which would cause those original owners who had brought pets meeting the requirements of this Paragraph upon the Homesite Property and in the Homesite units from keeping those pets.  This Paragraph shall not be construed to authorize nor permit any pet to be kept within any Homesite parcel nor upon the Homesite Property which pet is or becomes a legal nuisance.

        8.        Fences.  No fence, wall or other structure shall be erected upon any portion of the PROPERTY, except as originally installed by Developer, if any, and except any approved by the Architectural Control Committee in accordance with Article V of this Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions, and in accordance with applicable laws, rules, ordinances and regulations of the City of Plantation.

        9.        Garbage and Trash Disposal.  No garbage, refuse, trash or rubbish shall be deposited on any portion of the PROPERTY except in areas provided by the Developer or approved by the Homeowners' Association and in accordance with the requirements of Broward County for disposal or collection by the Broward County Waste Division.  All equipment for the storage or disposal of such material shall be kept in a clean and sanitary condition.   In the event garbage and waste collection shall be discharged by contract with a private company, the prohibitions herein contained shall be reasonably modified to meet the reasonable requirements of that company.

        10.      Drying Areas.  No clothing, laundry or wash shall be aired or dried on any unenclosed portion of the PROPERTY in an area exposed to view from any other portion of the PROPERTY.

        11.      Antennae.  No television or radio antennae or towers of any nature shall be erected on any portion of the PROPERTY or on the exterior of any Homesite Parcel except master antennae systems approved by the HA, the Architectural Control Committee of the HA, or the Developer, may be installed and maintained.

        12.      Prohibition Against Reflective Materials.  No reflective materials visible from the exterior of the Buildings shall be affixed to any window, glass door, or any part of the Homesite Parcel or Building except in accordance with rules, regulations and provisions permitting the same promulgated by the HA which shall have reasonable uniform application throughout the PROPERTY.  The HA may permit, in the exercise of its discretion, the installation of certain light-screening, energy-saving materials upon windows and glass doors in the interest of energy conservation, under such criteria and uniform rules and regulations as it shall promulgate.  If the Owner of a Homesite Parcel shall have Installed permitted materials in windows and/or glass doors in accordance with the rules and regulations promulgated by the HA, then changes in those rules and regulations shall not affect that installation and the Homesite Parcel Owner shall not be required to remove such installation.

        13.      Furnishings and Finishings of Balconies, Terraces and Porches.  Balconies, terraces and porches, if any, shall not be used for the storage or placement of equipments such as freezers, refrigerators, etc., nor for other purposes which are generally unsightly in the reasonable opinion of the Architectural Control Committee.   This covenant is placed here to preserve the exterior appearance and aesthetics and shall be so construed.   

        14.      Miscellaneous - Rules and Regulations.  The HA may adopt or modify and amend from time to time reasonable Rules and Regulations not inconsistent with this Declaration governing the use and occupancy of the PROPERTY and in particular the Common Areas.

        15.      Master Association.  All of QUATRAINE AT JACARANDA THREE - PHASE 1, Including the Property, is subject to the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions of the MASTER DECLARATION for CENTRAL PARK NORTH AT JACARANDA, recorded under Clerk's File No. 87112493, among the Public Records of Broward County, Florida.  This provision shall not be deemed to impose or reimpose those covenants and restrictions.

        16.      Garage Modification Limitations.  The garage doors provided by the Developer in the homes constructed upon the Homesite Parcels may not be removed, modified or in anyway altered without the consent of the Developer so long as the Developer, or any successor Developer, shall own any Homesite Parcel or undeveloped land within the real property described in Exhibit "A" and the consent of the Architectural Control Committee.  In the event the Homesite Parcel Owner shall decide to convert the interior of the garage to provide for different usages than as a garage, than such Homesite Owner shall nevertheless be required to leave a storage space behind the garage door and within the garage.  The size of that storage space (the number of feet behind the garage door which must be left for storage purposes) shall be determined by the Architectural Control Committee and must at all times conform to the zoning laws, rules and ordinances applicable thereto.  The garage door shall at all times remain operable and shall never be sealed shut nor shall the exterior appearance and elevation of the garage and garage door be modified, except as permitted by the Developer or any successor Developer so long as Developer or successor Developer shall own and Homesite Parcels or any portion of the real property described in Exhibit "A".  The restrictions herein contained do not apply to painting of the garage door, the color of which shall nevertheless be subject to the controls and approval of the Architectural Control Committee as elsewhere provided.

        17.      Mandatory Garage Door Closing.  Garage doors shall remain closed except when the area behind them is actually in current use.

        18.      Restrictions on Transient Rentals.  The Association may by rule or regulation restrict renting of any and all homesite parcels and the improvements thereon on a transient basis, but shall not have the authority nor power to restrict non-transient rentals.  For the purpose of this provision, a transient rental is any rental for a period of less than sixty continuous days, or two consecutive calendar months, whichever shall be the shorter period.  The Association may by rule or regulation require that the owner of each homesite parcel notify the Association of the name(s) of any persons who may be occupying the homesite parcel and the improvements thereon in the absence of the owner, and the duration (term) of such occupancy.  The Association may require that it be also notified of a mailing address for such other occupier separate and distinct from the address of the homesite parcel, which address may be if the homesite parcel is not the permanent address of the occupant, the occupant's permanent address, or otherwise the occupant's business address.  If there is no business address, then the Association may require as an alternative the name and address of a person not in residence at that homesite parcel who may be contacted in an emergency.  The membership at any meeting of members called at least in part for the purpose made at which a quorum is present, by motion duly passed, impose, modify and amend any restrictions and requirements set forth in this Paragraph 18 and any restriction, requirement, modification or amendment thereto imposed by the membership at such a meeting, shall not be modified in any inconsistent way by the Board of Directors for a period of one (1) year from the date of the enactment of said provision.  By way of example and not of limitation, If the members shall by resolution prohibit any restrictions on rentals of any nature whatsoever which are for a period of thirty or more days, that the Board of Directors may not impose a restriction on rentals in excess of thirty days, but may impose restrictions upon rentals of less than thirty days.



        All vehicle parking areas for a Homesite Parcel owner are located upon the homesite parcel.  If parking space are provided within the common areas, their use shall be subject to reasonable rules and regulations respecting them established by the HA and otherwise they shall be for guest parking.  The HA has primary and senior authority over parking in common areas.  Parking on the private roadway will also be subject to reasonable rules and regulations promulgated by the HA and may be prohibited if not inconsistent with HA rules and regulations or this Declaration.  The Developer may establish initial rules and regulations and prohibitions respecting parking.  The parking of certain types of vehicles within the PROPERTY may further be controlled under the provisions of Paragraph 5 of Article X above.

Here are the Rules and Regulations adopted by the HOA that all homeowners must follow.    The By-Laws give the board the power to make Reasonable Rules and Regulations.   We had an attorney state this at a meeting.   
Rules And Regulations and AMF February 2022

Thanks for reading the by-laws and the Rules and Regulations. 

To send an e-mail, click here quatraine3@bellsouth.net
